Brewery Kocour

Kocour cut
Brewery Kocour

Brewery Kocour

The Kocour brewery is located close to the border between the Czech Republic and German Saxony. In addition to the brewery and the brewery restaurant, there is also a small zoo and the brewery is the only one in the Czech Republic with its own railway station. Accommodation is also a part of the services offered to visitors.

Kocour beer bottles

The brewery itself offers a wide range of beer specialties, ranging from traditional lagers to various top-fermented beers and its own soft drinks. The beer is supplied in kegs and also in glass and PET bottles. For bottling beer and soft drinks, the Kocour brewery uses a filler with 15 filling valves and 4 capping heads for crown caps supplied by our company. PET bottles are closed on a separate capper.

Filler PP 15/4

PP 15/4

The PP 15/4 filler was originally used for bottling soft drinks into glass bottles. During the modernization, we added CO2 flushing and evacuation of the bottles as well as a system for holding PET bottles under the filling valves.

The refurbishment of our own machines but also machines from other producers is one of the services we offer to our customers. The biggest project in this field was the conversion of a Hansa glass monoblock with 110 filling valves into a triblock for filling PET bottles. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in this type of service.

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ALTEC Chotěboř

ALTEC spol. s r.o.
Sokolohradská 1745
583 01  Chotěboř
Czech republic

GPS:    N 49.708551
             E 15.699240


ID:               62027174
Tax ID:        CZ62027174

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