We are launching a new website

Laptop cut

Welcome to the new website of ALTEC spol. s r.o.

We hope that new visitors to our website will learn more about our company and the portfolio of machines and services we manufacture and offer. Existing partners and customers will find information about new projects we are working on that may inspire them to further development of their business.

We are happy to offer our knowledge and experience to all partners and would be honoured to participate in their new projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Are you planning an investment in machinery or equipment?

ALTEC Chotěboř

ALTEC spol. s r.o.
Sokolohradská 1745
583 01  Chotěboř
Czech republic

GPS:    N 49.708551
             E 15.699240

E-mail:      altec@altec-chotebor.cz

ID:               62027174
Tax ID:        CZ62027174

© 1994 - 2025   |   ALTEC spol. s r.o.

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