Custom made conveyors

Conveyor DD

We are manufacturing ALBELA labelling machine and we delivered conveyors

We are manufacturing ALBELA labelling machine for our third Czech customer from the petfood industry. The first step in our cooperation was the delivery of specially designed conveyors for optimizing the production process.


Custom-made plate conveyors

Apart of the labelling machine itself, we designed and manufactured two custom-made plate conveyors for the customer’s production. Each conveyor includes a stainless steel work table that also serves as the sidewall of the conveyor. The guardrail on the other side is removable to easily increase the work area by adding another work table. The conveyor is complemented by a stainless steel electric box with a frequency converter for smooth setting of conveyor belt speed. Open sidewalls with safety, easily removable, covers allow for easy cleaning of the conveyor belt during sanitary days.

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ALTEC Chotěboř

ALTEC spol. s r.o.
Sokolohradská 1745
583 01  Chotěboř
Czech republic

GPS:    N 49.708551
             E 15.699240


ID:               62027174
Tax ID:        CZ62027174

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